Behind the melodic voice
Sarah Capeles was born in Puerto Rico and came to the United States at the age of 6. Her passion for music developed from an early age. She grew up singing in different choirs and as a soloist in the church. When she went to Antillian University in Mayagüez, she became part of the Pro-Musica Choir. As a professional soloist singer for more than 25 years, she has traveled throughout the Caribbean, Central and South America, Canada, Japan, and across the United States carrying a message of love, faith, and hope.
In her extensive career as a Christian singer, she has participated in numerous evangelism campaigns, and caravans with Pastor Alejandro Bullón, among others. She has recorded for 3ABN Latino TV, Esperanza TV, and for the television program "Discover" of La Voz de la Esperanza.
She has been the guest singer for camp meetings, women's retreats, family retreats, radio marathons and was also one of the singers chosen for the 2000 General Conference in Toronto, Canada.
She has devoted herself to the ministry of singing, giving evangelist campaigns, and seminars. Her ministry is self-supported.
Through her powerful testimony of how Jesus rescued her and brought her back to His feet, and how He continues to work in her, she has been able to influence many people who have accepted Jesus as their personal Savior and others have reaffirmed their faith in God .
She has 9 CD's; 8 in Spanish and 1 in English.
She has a bachelor's degree in psychology and a master's degree in public administration, and certified professional in Human Resources through SHRM. She lives in New Jersey with her husband and is a member of the Hackettstown English SDA Church.
Her greatest desire is to sing in the Heavenly choir.